The events in Odessa at 15 October 2020

Psychological boundaries

15 October 2020, 18:00
category: seminar/training
place: Gallery of contemporary art "AURUM" (Torgovaya str., 2)

Materials: paper, pastel, threads of different colors, scissors. Borders are our defenses. They are very important and there is not a single person who has not dealt with them. Boundaries are always associated with our relationships and they determine the quality of our life. Surely you are familiar with the following situations: - You tried to please others, ignoring your interests and values. - Have noticed tension, resentment, anger, fear, confusion ... when communication with people is dismissive, aggressive, manipulative. - They were embarrassed to say "no" or hinted instead of direct appeal and protection from destructive impact. They hoped that "the person himself will understand." “They didn't know that you had the right to have boundaries and to defend them. All of these situations involve the topic of psychological boundaries. At a meeting with the help of bodynamic exercises and art therapy, together we will learn to form optimal boundaries, consider the 4 phases of boundary formation and find answers to the following questions: - How to form boundaries and what do they affect? - What are the functions of borders? - How to enter into a relationship and not lose yourself in it? -How to protect your integrity and independence, while not feeling isolated?

The poster of the event — Psychological boundaries in Gallery of contemporary art "AURUM"