The events in Odessa at 18 February 2021

MAC in psychotherapy and coaching

18 February 2021, 18:00
category: the courses
place: The Association is also "Psyche" a psychological Studio (Armeyskaya str, 23)

"An integrative method of using Metaphorical Associative Cards in psychological practice and coaching" 1 module: Getting to know the method Fundamentals of Using Metaphorical Associative Cards in Helping Activities Theoretical part: A brief history of the emergence of projective maps. What are Metaphorical Associative Cards? What are they like? (universal, resource, specialized, narrative, etc.). Rules for working with projective maps in group work. Using MAC in individual counseling. How to get answers to your questions using the MAC? Consideration of the main advantages of projective maps as a tool for the practical work of a psychologist. Acquaintance with decks and their scope. Practical part (techniques): Acquaintance and presentation with the help of MAC. Formation of a request. Working with an actual request. Stages of consultation with the IAC. Possibilities of work (techniques) with projective maps of the German Institute "ON", the Israeli Institute "The World of Itsik Maps", the Ukrainian "Institute of Projective Maps". OH cards: OH deck, Cope (Overcoming), TanDoo (TanDu), Ecco (Ekko), Morena (Morena), Habitat (habitat) , “Persona”, “Personita”, “Saga”, “1001” (1001 nights), “Mythos” (Myths).Cards of the publishing house "World of Itzik's Cards": deck "Blowing", "Anibi" ("My inner child"), "Mibi" ("Who is in me"), "The Beast and the Child", "Merlin: Journey", "Merlin: message and insights ”,“ Prism ”,“ Steps ”,“ Sesame ”. Cards of the Institute of Projective Cards publishing house: deck of "Hedgehogs' Tales", "Family Album", "Facebook", "Hasidic Wisdom", "Little Joys", "Dark Side", "Being. Act. Possess ”,“ 42 ”,“ Heroes and villains ”,“ Life is like a miracle ”,“ Myths of Ancient Greece ”,“ Mask ”,“ Houses and Bridges ”,“ In contact ”,“ Dreams about the future ”. Author's deck "DOLONI". 2module: Metaphorical maps in working with parent-child relationships Practical work with elements of a theoretical review. Working with a genogram. Family constellation using MAC. Study of scenarios, anti-scenarios. Identification of children's attitudes (promoting and blocking development), basic concepts of the parental family and working with them. Subpersonal theory. Working with roles (I am a child, I am a partner, I am an employee, I am a friend, etc.). Exploring the actual roles of yourself and your loved ones. Technique "My inner team". Module 3: Family therapy with projective maps Practical work with elements of a theoretical review. Study of relationships between partners, relatives, friends, relatives (type, form, motives, interests, needs, opportunities). Determination of the role and function of the family. Family rules and traditions. Identifying family stories and legends.Dealing with conflicts based on the rejection of the values ​​of the other side (techniques for identifying the causes of the main conflicts) and determining ways of correction. Determination of the main reasons for misunderstanding, stereotyped behavior, etc. - anything that interferes with the effective interaction of the parties. Acquaintance with masks (yours, your partner's, your loved ones). Determination of the type of family relationship. Finding a common language of love. 4 module: MAC in psychotherapy of crises and trauma Techniques for MAC work with difficult situations, crises, injuries, losses, grief and PTSD. Somatization and psychosomatics. Their features and specificity. Identifying and managing a symptom. Dealing with fears and phobias. MAC and emotional intelligence (working with feelings of guilt, shame, anger, etc.). Determination of causes and search for resources using MAC. 5 module: Application of MAC in coaching Techniques for defining leading human values, long-term planning and global life programs. Determination and diagnosis of limiting beliefs on the way to the goal and their correction. Techniques for self-realization, setting life goals, planning time, identifying simple ways to achieve the desired results. Methods for finding and choosing the right solution. Technique "Conversation of subpersonalities". 6 module: "Women's theme" Study of the peculiarities of thinking, female states, behavior, lifestyle and ways of interacting with the outside world.Determining the main female roles, positions, identities (mother-girl-woman) that you use most often, and their interaction. Psychological components of femininity. Defining the tasks and functions of women. Study of the topic "Women of the clan" (great-grandmothers-mothers-daughters). 7. Certification. Supervision. Project leader: Ulyanova Tatiana - PhD, psychologist, head of the Institute of Metaphorical Psychotechnics Association "Psyche", family consultant, psychotherapist in the PPT method. Conflict specialist, member of USP,. Specialist in the use of MAC in individual and group psychotherapy, psychological training. Moudul: 4 meetings of 4 hours once a week Registration and inquiries: 0667262064

The poster of the event — MAC in psychotherapy and coaching in The Association is also "Psyche" a psychological Studio